Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Used T.V.

This morning I had breakfast with a former YFC kid (who I met 7 years ago in middle school). I had an old television that I was giving to her. I even went to Walgreen's before we met to buy new AAA batteries for the remote. She was so excited to have a t.v. that she could actually plug a dvd player into. Anyway, on the way to the restaurant I apparently took the corner too sharply and my delivery item fell over in the back! CRASH! Are you even kidding me? Anyway, she just called and after trekking this boat anchor up to her apartment...it doesn't work. My casual gift is making me feel really bad.

I'm posting this plea...if anyone has an old unwanted television in their house and wants to make a girl's day - let me know! I'll even pick-up (within reason).


Matt Yount said...

Define "old unused"... My tv's that are old are also used??? :)

Tara Follett said...

matt...when you upgrade to that plasma you're thinking about - i don't think that your 50" old t.v. will be very practical in her apt. anyways.

Tara Follett said...

matt...i changed unused term to unwanted. does that help?

Anonymous said...

hmmm...I am going to ask around too. We have one that is so old it doesn't have a hook up for a DVD player, possibly defeating the purpose of the "gift." I'm sure my parents or one of their friends do. I'll be in touch.