Jake continues to make us laugh. I think the second picture says it all. He has made tremendous strides in his language and is talking like crazy. He is still obsessed with the moon and stars. And we now go moon hunting. His latest is telling us that everything is "awesome." Waffles awesome, moon awesome, books awesome, door awesome, etc.
Caleb is adjusting well to being the little brother. He is still giving us sleepless nights but occasionally will give one of us a break and only get up once to eat. We celebrate those! He usually charms us with his smile and makes the middle of the night not so bad.
Your boys are beautiful! I'll be praying for your adjustment in the schedule. It can be tough, keep smiling! Take care!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well and adjusting together to your
"new normal." I hope things can slow down for you so you can savor the holidays with your family of four!
Brayton just said "Mom! Look! That baby grew up already!" I think that says it all. Big boy...too cute.
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