Saturday, January 9, 2010

Riverbank Run 2010 & YFC

Once again Youth for Christ is putting together a group of people to participate in the 2010 Riverbank Run on Saturday May 8 in Grand Rapids, MI. You are receiving this letter because you have participated before or we think you might be interested in joining our efforts. Remember, there is something for every fitness level- 5K run/walk, 10K, or 25K!

This year we are attempting to make it more fun than ever. We are attempting a new shirt design, prizes, and more participation!

Each YFC runner/walker is asked to have a goal of raising $500 in pledges for our organization. Your participation will include the following;
• YFC running shirt (in hopes you will wear this the day of the event)
• Friday night pasta dinner at City on a Hill. Families invited!
• Transportation on race day
• Additional gifts that are still being formulated (ideas are welcome – for example, if you know of someone that might be interested in contributing to our prize pool, etc.)

Each participant is asked to sign up individually for your chosen event (5K run/walk, 10K, or 25K) through the official Riverbank Run website ( or by mail. This eliminates logistics for us. In addition, we request that you fill out the YFC form acknowledging your commitment to be a part of our “team.” This helps us collect t-shirt sizes, plan the dinner, prizes, transportation, etc.

We hope that you will consider being a part of our group that represents YFC at the 2010 Riverbank Run. In addition to your accomplishment of your chosen event, you are playing a vital role in helping us reach our financial goals at YFC. Thank you in advance for considering being involved in this exciting event. Please contact us with any questions or to let us know of your commitment!

Tara Follett
West Ottawa

Kate Stouten

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