Sunday, May 6, 2012

Burn update

No stopping this kid.

Tongue sticks out more when one hand is handicapped.

Sometimes referred to as "one with horns".
We've been to the Pediatrician pretty much every day this week.  She changes his bandage and examines the progress or changes in his hand.  There were more developments on Thursday.  His hand seemed to be getting more blisters (4 days later).  But, some were looking better.  Tomorrow we go to Holland Hospital to the Wound Center for a consult.  We're thinking we will have a better understanding of how to move forward.  It's been a much longer journey than I had initially anticipated {insert tears}.  As you can see from the pics, there is nothing bothering that personality!  I think the fall into the fire pit is just the beginning.  I never thought raising two boys so close in age would be so exhausting.  They never stop digging, wrestling, climbing, riding, and competing.  I'm so thankful for a flat driveway that appears to be a race track.  Bikes are the all time fav these days. 

1 comment:

Grandma said...

He may have horns but he has a very big heart. Love that kid!