Is anyone else who uses Blogger having troubles? I can't upload any new images to my template in page elements. A couple of weeks ago I tried to change my picture of Jake on the side underneath my profile. Now, I can't his old one back of upload a new one. I just keep getting the bright yellow triangle with the dizzy exclamation mark spinning around and around and around. I can add images to my posts but not the other. I've tried the help section and it seems I'm not the only one with the issue.
See...this is why I should never have started blogging. I've spent HOURS trying to fix and research it. I even tried a new template, hence the new look. Of course, I don't like it either.
Help me! Blogger 9-1-1.
I had trouble and was unsuccessful in trying to upload a photo last night too.
I had the problem when first starting blogger but then I realized my images weren't in a jpeg form...check the format and size of your pictures!
unfortunately they are all in jpeg form. also, i highly suggest the cd/book combo. the song is soooo cute.
I see you've added the Flickr account. Very cool. Cute picts!
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