This cute face keeps getting up 15 minutes earlier each day. Today was 5:15 a.m. It started this past week. "Normally" he gets up between 6 and 7. These are realistic times for us (except for the weekends). Last wednesday was the first day that it was 5:55 a.m. Every morning since has been a little earlier. So...tomorrow morning it's going to be a conditioning morning. We're not going into his room until 6 a.m. regardless of crying.
I always stress on Mondays and Tuesdays anyways. Because I don't drop off Jake until 9ish these 2 days, I fight to keep him awake so he can take a morning nap at Daycare OR I let him fall asleep and have to wake him up before he's ready to get to Daycare on time.
It's in the air...we have been letting Cullen "cry it out" for four nights in hope that we all get more sleep. Our plan has backfired.
Night 1--two hours of crying
Night 2--Hour and a half
Night 3--20 would think this has a happy ending.
Night 4--NO SLEEPING...I'm exhausted.
Better luck and lots of sleep to you :)
He's is too cute!...let him do what he wants! J/K! Don't miss those days!
Clarification...I mean "I" don't miss those days. Not, don't you miss those days...know what I mean?!
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