I know a lot of us meet people that are in tough situations. Sometimes certain individuals affect us more than others. Today was one of those days where.
Twice I wanted to kidnap a young person out of their situation and just
fix it. I wanted to bring them into my own home and provide a safe place. A place where normal conversations happen and conflict is dealt with rationally. A home where Christ is the center and love from an adult is unconditional. Daily I feel more than ever I'm overwhelmed with student's parents who can't provide a stable environment for their child. I'm tired of it. It's draining.
Today was a first for something though. Just when I thought I'd seen and heard it all I experienced somthing new. A girl whom I have been building a relationship with in the school lunchroom finally has begun coming to our after-school drop-in. She's a tomboy and a touch aggressive for a 6th grade girl. She's sweet nonetheless. Today she decided to steal a skateboard on her way out the door from the coat area. After a number of tip-offs I got to the bottom of it and got a young man's skateboard back (which had already made it to the other side of town). Here's where the
first comes in. Her mom calls me and demands a conference call with me, the girl, Mom, and Dad. What?? After the girl crying hysterically, mom screaming, and dad (who's at work) trying to get a slurred word in, I finally wrapped it up. It ended with the girl apologizing, mom slamming the phone down, dad giving the dad speech, and me giving the
you've got such a bright future ahead of you/you can't steal speech.
Typically I add these all too common unstable family moments to the list of "What in the ?". Today, was one of those days where I can't get Mom's communication tactics out of my head. It's not fair.
After coming home the last thing that I felt like doing was cooking dinner. So off to The Curragh we went.
Part deux - our waitress was a former student from youth group. I hadn't seen her in years. 3 to be exact. She since has had a baby that she gave up for adoption (mature decision), recently divorced, denounced her mom, and been homeless. Did I mention that she's 19? Lastly, guess where she's currently residing? 3 doors down from my house.
Um God...what is my role in these situations?